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Select Your Choice Financial Flow is the life blood of any successful organisation. Most businesses will need a large amount of working capital to start up a new business or enable the rapid growth of an existing business. Scaling up always requires a influx of finances.For such purposes, companies take out business loans for their financial assistance. It is a debt which a company is obligated to pay back within a specific tenure according to the terms and conditions of the granted loan. Start-up Business loans can be taken for a variety of essential requirements like starting up a new firm, business expansions, dealer and vendor financing etc. The major benefit of business loans in India is that it does not require any collateral or security and most of the banks sanction business loans with minimal pre-payment charges. Another benefit is that if there is a failure of repaying the loan, then the business owner will not solely face the burden of penalties but the whole company will be liquidated in order to clear the business loan |